Swift - Get Up And Running With D365 In 7 Days

Quick implementation of D365 for companies in just 7 days.

Swift is our all-inclusive solution designed to streamline business processes and get companies up and running with D365 (Microsoft Dynamics 365) in just seven days. Experience the significant benefit of rapid implementation, ensuring businesses can quickly harness the full potential of D365, boosting efficiency, and accelerating growth.

What it looks like for you

  • Day 1 Scoping Day

Our journey with Swift begins with a comprehensive scoping day. We understand that your business has unique needs and requirements, so our expert team will work closely with you to identify the priority areas that need immediate attention. Together, we will develop a tailored plan that aligns Dynamics 365 with your specific goals, ensuring that the implementation process is efficient and effective.

  • Day 2, 3 and 4 Configuration Days

During these intensive configuration days, our dedicated team will work hand-in-hand with you to configure the Dynamics 365 solution according to your business requirements. We believe in the power of customisation, which is why we meticulously tailor the platform to fit your organisation's unique workflows and processes. By leveraging our deep understanding of Dynamics 365, we ensure that your solution aligns perfectly with your vision, empowering your business to thrive.

  • Day 5 Testing Day

Quality assurance is at the core of our Swift process. On day 5, our skilled professionals conduct rigorous testing to ensure that the solution is robust, reliable, and meets your expectations. We leave no stone unturned to identify and resolve any issues, guaranteeing a smooth and seamless experience when you go live with Dynamics 365.

  • Day 6 Training Day

Adopting new technology is not just about implementation; it's also about empowering your team to utilise it to its fullest potential. On day 6, we provide comprehensive training sessions to equip your staff with the knowledge and skills they need to leverage Dynamics 365 effectively. Our experienced trainers will guide your team through best practices, tips, and tricks, enabling them to hit the ground running and drive maximum value from the solution.

  • Day 7 Go Live Day

The much-awaited go live day marks the culmination of the Swift process. On this day, our support team will be by your side, ensuring a smooth transition and offering real-time assistance as you embrace Dynamics 365. We understand that change can be daunting, but with our expertise and support, your organisation will experience minimal disruptions and maximise the benefits of your new solution.

Benefits of using Swift


With Swift, you can fast-track your Dynamics 365 implementation and start reaping the benefits of this powerful platform in just 7 days. We eliminate the lengthy and complex processes traditionally associated with implementation, saving you time and enabling rapid adoption.


Our team of experts will tailor Dynamics 365 to your unique business needs, ensuring a solution that aligns seamlessly with your processes. This level of customisation empowers your organization to work more efficiently and enhances overall productivity.


Our rigorous testing and quality assurance processes guarantee a robust and reliable solution. You can rest assured that your Dynamics 365 implementation will meet your expectations and function flawlessly from day one.

Expert Support:

Throughout the Swift journey, our team of seasoned professionals will be there to guide you. From scoping to go live, we offer comprehensive support, ensuring a smooth and successful implementation and beyond.

Accelerated ROI:

By minimising the time and effort required for implementation, Swift allows you to quickly realize the return on your investment in Dynamics 365. You can start leveraging its powerful features to drive business growth, enhance customer experiences, and gain a competitive edge.

With Swift, your organisation can unlock the true potential of Dynamics 365 in just 7 days. By streamlining the implementation process, customising the solution to fit your unique needs, and providing expert support, we enable you to accelerate your business growth and stay ahead in today's rapidly evolving market. Don't let time be a barrier—embrace Swift and embark on a transformative journey with Dynamics 365. Contact us today to get started!


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